Monday, November 3, 2014

Simple way to lose weight

Simple way to lose weight is probably one of the most common questions people ask themselves. The answers are both simple and not so simple. You lose weight basically by consuming less energy each day than you burn. It is straightforward mathematics. However, the answer is also complicated, because maintaining the numbers' discipline is not as easy as it may sound. Some other factors are also involved in helping you lose weight, such as metabolism, hormones, the type of food you eat, your body type and lifestyle.

Most experts stress that physical activity is as important as dieting when people want to lose weight and to keep it off.

People lose weight for many different reasons:
Appearance - they want to look fitter, more attractive, or healthier.

Overall health - they want to become healthier, live longer, and avoid developing diseases associated with obesity/overweight

Comfort - simply to be more comfortable in their bodies

For a specific condition or illness - obese people with sleep apnea who lose weight have less severe symptoms - sometimes the sleep apnea goes away completely. Obese or overweight individuals with diabetes type 2 will usually have less severe symptoms if they can bring their weight down to healthy levels. One study found that overweight/obese males with diabetes type 2 who lost weight reported enhanced libidos.

Fitness - to become fitter, to have more energy and stamina

Fashion - to be able to wear a greater variety of clothing. To be able to fit into their existing clothes.

Sports competitions - a boxer, for example, may wish to lose weight so that he can remain within his weight category

Employment - fashion models who are overweight have much less work than thin ones. An obese firefighter may find it harder to run up stairs, climb up ropes, and generally do emergency fire work effectively.

Confidence and body image - some people lose weight so that they can become less self-conscious about their bodies

Fertility - obese women who are finding it hard to get pregnant sometimes are more likely to do so if they lose weight

Preparing for a special event - many people prefer to be thinner for an expected event, such as a wedding, or a vacation in the tropics where they are going to show lots of bare skin.
Negative Energy Balance - in order to lose weight you need to be exerting more energy than you are consuming, this is called a negative energy balance. If you are in a state of negative energy balance, your body will seek out stores of energy, such as fat or muscle to make up for the shortfall - it will start using up your excess weight. In extreme cases, however, when the individual has little fat, more muscle and lean tissue will be used up.

Sports - some sportsmen and sportswomen will try to lose weight even though doctors would say their bodyweight is ideal. In some cases it might be to get better speeds, or as mentioned above, to be within a weight classification for a competition.

Losing too much weight - if you become underweight there are also certain health risks. Your chances of developing infections might increase, there is a risk of osteoporosis, reduced muscle mass and strength, and problems regulating your body temperature. There may even be a higher risk of death if your weight goes down a lot. Diets to lose weight There are literally thousands of different diet plans on the market which make amazing weight loss claims. Some of them are well thought out, safe and effective, while others are not. Most health care professionals, dietitians and nutritionists agree that a combination of a weight-reduction healthy diet with physical activity tends to have the best results, especially in the long term.

Related reading: "What are the 8 most popular diets today?"

Proponents of many diets say they are extremely effective and require no effort at all. Unless they have been proven to be so in scientific studies, it is not possible to know how really effective they are. How many calories should I consume? The number of calories per day you should consume in order to lose weight depends on several factors, including your sex, how much you want to lose, how quickly you want to lose it, age, etc. Below are some estimated figures on how many calories the average person in the USA, Canada and Western Europe should consume in order to maintain their weight (neither put on nor lose weight).

Daily recommended calorie consumption for males:
Age 19-30
Sedentary - 2400-2600
Moderately active - 2600-2800
Active - 3000

Age 31-50
Sedentary - 2200-2400
Moderately active - 2400-2600
Active - 2800-3000

Age 51+
Sedentary - 2000-2200
Moderately active - 2200-2400
Active - 2400-2800
Daily recommended calorie consumption for females:
Age 19 to 30
Sedentary - 1,800 to 2,000
Moderately active - 2,000 to 2,200
Active - 2,400

Age 31-50
Sedentary - 1,800
Moderately active - 2,000
Active - 2,200

Age 51+
Sedentary - 1,600
Moderately active - 1,800
Active - 2000 to 2,200
If you want to lose weight, you would have to consume a little bit less than the amounts listed above. The less you consume, the faster you lose. However, it is important to follow a healthy, well balanced diet so that you do not become ill, or lose lean tissue (muscle). Ideally, you should check with a dietitian, nutritionist or your doctor.

In some regimes, dieters are on 1,200 calories per day if they are female and 1,500 if they are male. However, do not try to do this yourself without the supervision of a trained expert.

You need to make sure your carbohydrate, protein and fat ratio is right for good health. Recommendations vary, from 20 to 60% carbohydrate intake for losing weight.

Further reading: 1. "What are fats?" 2. "What are carbohydrates?" 3. "What are proteins?"

Some studies found that not only do people risk malnutrition if their diet is not well planned, but loss of motivation too. Most dieters drop out before reaching their target weight.

When dieters have reached their target body weight, they should gradually increase their daily intake until they reach their "weight maintenance" figure. Dieting alone rarely results in significant weight loss A 2010 study by researchers at Oregon Health & Science University showed that people who just reduce their daily calorie intake rarely lose much weight. They explained that natural compensatory mechanisms in the body reduce a person's physical activity as soon as calorie consumption drops - in other words, the body slows right down if you eat much less.

Diet must be combined with exercise
Source : medicalnewstoday
Study leader, Judy Cameron Ph.D., said:

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